What Nutrients are Required For Growing Cannabis?

Cannabis cultivation is a difficult procedure that needs a range of nutrients to produce a good crop. Cannabis plants may need a variety of nutrients and nutritional solutions, depending on the growing technique employed. Having the proper nutrients is crucial for giving your plants the energy and nutrition they require to thrive, whether you're growing cannabis hydroponically or in soil. We'll discuss the crucial nutrients required to cultivate cannabis in this post, along with how  and where to pick the best hydroponic nutrition solutions to keep your plants healthy.

The Main Nutrients in Cannabis

Image Source:iStock-Ivelin Denev

  • Nitrogen(N)

Nitrogen is one of the most important nutrients for cannabis plants and is essential for healthy growth. The soil is the main source of nitrogen for cannabis plants. However, if you are using a hydroponic system or an LED grow light setup, you will need to supplement with nitrogen fertilizer.

Nitrogen is required in large amounts by cannabis plants during their vegetative stage and is necessary for producing lush green foliage. During the flowering stage, however, less nitrogen is needed, and too much can cause your buds to be airy and underdeveloped. As a result, it's critical to monitor your nutritional levels and make sure they're balanced when producing cannabis.

  • Phosphorus(P)

In constrast to Nitrogen, phosphorus needs to be provided by specifically formulated fertilizers when using hydroponic nutrients. Your cannabis plants' metabolism will accelerate with the help of phosphorus, resulting in quicker development. As Phosphorus aids in promoting the growth of flowers and fruits, it is particularly advantageous during the flowering stage. Your cannabis plant will struggle to grow properly if it doesn't get enough phosphorus.

  • Potassium(K)

Potassium can be obtained from mineral sources like fertilizer or organic sources like compost or manure in a soil-based system. To maintain ideal levels when using a hydroponic system, potassium must be added to the nutrient solution. Check the light spectrum of your LED grow light to make sure it has enough of the blue and red light needed for effective nutrient absorption. Finally, ensure  you keep an eye on how much potassium is being utilized because too much might cause toxicity problems.


Spectrum-X Full Spectrum LED Screen

  • Magnesium

Since the magnesium molecules in chlorophyll are necessary for your plants to produce glucose, magnesium availability is crucial for photosynthesis. Therefore, a magnesium deficiency prevents your cannabis plants from converting enough sunshine into energy.

Magnesium aids in the metabolism of glucose after aiding in its synthesis. Plants lacking in magnesium can usually be identified by their yellowing leaves and discolored veins.

  • Calcium

Your cannabis plants need calcium to grow and be healthy. It is particularly crucial when growing in a hydroponic system because calcium levels in soil-based mediums are typically sufficient. The use of an LED grow light necessitates the addition of calcium supplements. It promotes sound root development and aids in the formation of your plant's cell walls. Your plants will benefit more from the nutrients you give them if you use calcium, which also aids in the uptake of other nutrients. Use calcium carbonate-containing fertilizer or add a calcium supplement to your hydroponic solution to maintain healthy calcium levels.

Your plants will also require non-mineral elements, which are often derived from water and air, in addition to these five key nutrients. The following are three such crucial components, presented in no particular order:

  • Carbon
  • Oxygen
  • Hydrogen

Basics of Nutrition

It's critical to comprehend the fundamentals of nutrition when producing cannabis. Cannabis is a plant, and like all plants, it needs nutrients to grow and thrive. Three essential elements are needed for cannabis: nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. These substances, often known as "macronutrients," are typically present in most soils and fertilizer solutions. Cannabis needs secondary minerals, including calcium, magnesium, and sulfur to grow and develop.

Cannabis plants need a balanced nutrition solution throughout their whole life cycle to grow to their maximum potential. The strain being cultivated and environmental elements like light, temperature, and humidity will determine the precise amounts of each nutrient needed. In addition to offering these nutrients, it's crucial to keep an eye on pH levels and ensure that the nutrient solutions stay within a range that will promote the fastest plant growth.

How often should nutrient solution split for cannabis plants?

The following picture illuminates the proportion and  frequency of nutrient solutions for each cannabis growing period.

The major difference between them is the N:P:K ratio.

After the final phase of using fertilizer you should test the pH with a digital meter,
Cannabis thrives in slightly acidic soil conditions and tolerates a wide pH range (5.0-7.0) without symptoms of bronzing or interveinal chlorosis (yellowing of the leaves), but pH levels outside of 5.8 - 6.2 will limit its growth.
For further information about the pH value, Visit Fluence.science.
Image Source:fluence.science

Organic or mineral

You have two major options when it comes to giving your cannabis plants the vital nutrients they require: organic or mineral. Natural sources of organic nutrients include compost, manure, and worm castings. They may need to be applied more frequently than mineral nutrients because they are typically slower to absorb. On the other hand, laboratory-produced inorganic substances known as mineral nutrients are the opposite. These nutrients can be employed in hydroponic and LED growth light systems and are frequently more readily absorbed by the plant.

Both organic and mineral nutrition can offer the components required to create wholesome cannabis plants. A deficit or toxicity may result if any nutrient is missing or is not present in the proper ratios. The decision between the two ultimately comes down to personal preference and the growth setup you're employing. It's crucial to investigate your options and discover what suits you the most.

Where to Get Nutrients for Cannabis Plants?

Where to receive the essential nutrients for your plants is among the most crucial factors to think about when producing cannabis. Knowing what nutrients your cannabis plants require and where to get them is crucial for a healthy harvest, regardless of your level of experience as a producer.

Using high-quality soil or potting mix is the best approach to providing your cannabis plants with the nutrients they need. They can be purchased through specialty hydroponic businesses, online stores, or garden supply stores. You can be sure that your plants are receiving the correct nutrition they require because many manufacturers have already incorporated a particular blend of organic nutrients designed specifically for cannabis growth.

You may buy individual nutrients from any garden center or home improvement store, though, if you'd rather do it yourself. Another choice is liquid fertilizer, but make sure to do your homework on the finest options and how to apply them in your particular circumstance. For additional nutrition, think about including natural supplements like kelp extract, fish emulsion, or compost tea.


  • What nutrients am I going to need to cultivate marijuana?

To cultivate marijuana, you will need nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and sulfur.

  • Can cannabis be grown in the absence of soil?

Yes, cannabis can be grown hydroponically in the absence of soil.

  • How can I supply my cannabis plants with nutrients?

You can supply your cannabis plants with nutrients by using a liquid fertilizer solution or by mixing dry fertilizers into the soil.

  • What kind of manure do I use for my cannabis plants?

You can use any type of manure, such as chicken, cow, horse, or rabbit manure.

  • How much fertilizer solution and water do cannabis plants require?

Cannabis plants require a fertilizer solution at a rate of 1-2 teaspoons of fertilizer per gallon of water, and they need to be watered at least thrice every two weeks.