How Much Money Can One Plant of Weed Make?
Growing Tips

How Much Money Can One Plant of Weed Make & How to Maximize It?

The potential revenue from a single cannabis plant can vary widely based on factors such as yield and quality. Weed Yields can range from a few ounces to over a pound per plant, with prices varying from $140 to $420 per oz depending on quality and THC/CBD content. Consequently, revenue from one weed plant can range from a few hundred to several thousand dollars.

For these reasons, many people may wonder how much marijuana is out of one plant and how to maximize profits from indoor weed growing. Today, Medicgrow will guide you through the value of growing marijuana indoors, detailing how to get the most out of it. After a brief overview, you'll be able to determine if growing marijuana indoors is worth your effort and purchase an indoor grow tent kit.

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How Much Marijuana Out of One Plant?

The average yield LBS of dried flower per THC plant typically ranges from 0.5 to 1.5 pounds (227 to 680 grams) for indoor grows and 2 to 3 pounds (907 to 1360 grams) for outdoor grows.

Besides, the yield of marijuana from one plant is influenced by 3 key factors:

  • Strain and Genetics: The strain’s genetic traits determine its potential yield and quality. High-yield strains like Exodus and GSC often produce more than others.
  • Growing Conditions: Indoor plants usually have lower yields due to limited space, whereas outdoor plants benefit from natural light and larger growing areas.
  • Light, Nutrients, and Water: The most important thing for growing cannabis indoors is indoor growing light. Adequate light, proper nutrients, and consistent watering are crucial for maximizing weed plant growth and yield.

Apart from that, there are other factors such as marijuana growing techniques, growing methods (hydroponics and quality weed fertilizers), and so on. By reading the third part of this article, you can learn more about the indoor growing cannabis tips to maximize your yield.

How Much Is One Weed Plant

How Much Is One Weed Plant?

As we have seen, the value of a marijuana plant mostly depends on the yield and quality, which is variable, here are some references. Indoor cultivation of marijuana typically yields 0.5 to 1.5 pounds of dried marijuana and can earn between $16,00 and $3,200 if it is cheap and of high quality.

Outdoor weed plants are generally more productive, yielding between 2 and 5 pounds. High-quality marijuana can yield $4,500 to $7,500 or more. The final profit depends on the cannabis yield and current market conditions, with premium varieties commanding higher prices.

In addition to the yield of marijuana, the quality of the marijuana is also important; high-quality marijuana usually contains higher levels of active ingredients (such as THC and CBD) that provide more intense and long-lasting effects. The yield of a marijuana plant using different growing methods and tools varies, so let's check out how much is a pound of weed and how much is a quarter of weed a better mind.

How Much Is a Pound of Weed?

The price of a pound of weed can vary widely depending on several factors, including the location, and quality of the cannabis. As of 2024, in the United States, the price for a pound of weed can range from around $1,000 to $3,000.

  • Low-quality or bulk cannabis: Around $1,000 to $1,500 per pound.
  • Mid-grade cannabis: Typically between $1,500 to $2,500 per pound.
  • High-quality or premium cannabis: Can range from $2,500 to $3,000 or more per pound.

Prices can be lower in areas where cannabis is legal and widely available, and higher in areas where it's less accessible. Additionally, fluctuations in the market, such as changes in supply and demand, can also affect the prices of a pound of weed, but what about how much is a quarter of weed?

How Much Is a Quarter of Weed?

A quarter of weed, which is 7 grams, typically costs between $25 and $100, depending on the quality and where you’re buying it. In states with legal cannabis markets, you might find a quarter for as low as $25 to $50 for lower-quality weed, while mid-grade strains usually range from $50 to $75. Premium strains can cost $75 to $100 or more.

If you're shopping in a legal state, it’s worth checking out dispensary deals, as many offer discounts for larger purchases or daily specials. Additionally, factors like the strain's potency, freshness, and whether it's organically grown can also impact the price.

For first-time buyers, it's a good idea to compare prices across different dispensaries and read reviews to ensure you're getting good quality for your money. We’ve learned the economic value of marijuana. Let's take a look at how to grow marijuana indoors to maximize your profits.

Maximize Growing Indoor Marijuana Profits

Growing marijuana indoors is becoming more and more popular as it offers significant advantages including precise control of environmental conditions such as light intensity of plant grow lights, temperature and humidity. You may be wondering how to grow marijuana indoors for maximum profit, which includes saving money on growing marijuana indoors and maximizing marijuana yields. Below you will find more details.

Save Indoor Weed Growing Cost

The key to saving money on indoor weed growing is efficient grow lights. Advanced LED grow lights, such as the Medicgrow Fold-800, which retails for just $280, are the best choice because they are more energy efficient and last longer than traditional HID lights. Besides, creating the right light schedule will optimize cannabis growth and minimize electricity bills.

When shopping for grow tent kits, purchase a combination of high-quality grow tents and light to save money. An inexpensive grow tent is also a good choice. Fans are also a cost-effective ventilation choice when purchased separately. DIY grow tents will save money if you have enough time and energy to collect and assemble them.

If you're a commercial grower, make sure to buy from a manufacturer-direct LED grow light merchant like Medicgrow, as they tend to be cheaper and have guaranteed quality and after-sales support.

LED grow lights such as the Medicgrow Full Spectrum LED Grow Lights are ETL and DLC certified and qualify for rebates of up to 80% of the cost from major U.S. utility companies.

How to Grow Marijuana Indoors?

Maximizing indoor cannabis production is not difficult if following our tips: optimize lighting, nutrients, environmental conditions, and variety selection. Use a high-quality LED grow light to provide the full spectrum light needed for different cannabis growing stages. 

It’s notable that, the MedicGrow NEO 1000W grow lights offer 2 switchable spectrums for the vegetative and cannabis flowering stages, specially designed for all cannabis growing stages. Also, purchase the right size LED grow light to ensure even light coverage and adjust the height appropriately to avoid light burns.

Maintain proper temperature (20-30°C) and humidity (40-60%), and use fans and add CO2 to enhance air circulation and ensure adequate CO2 for cannabis's photosynthesis. Additionally, avoid over- or under-watering by using high-quality cannabis fertilizer and adjusting ratios according to the plant's stage of growth.

Select high-yielding varieties such as Exodus and GSC, and use a PH meter and EC meter to monitor plant health regularly to detect and solve problems in time. Proper pruning and low-stress training such as top pruning and low-stress training such as topping, FIMing, and LST also promote more bud formation.

These practices guarantee that marijuana grows healthy and strong in the growth stages of cannabis, laying the foundation for a bountiful harvest. Additionally, harvesting marijuana plants at the optimal time for maximum THC yield is also crucial.

How to Grow Marijuana Indoors?

How to Harvest Half a Weed Plant?

The method of harvesting half a weed plant aims to maximize yield and quality by selectively cutting the mature cannabis buds while allowing the rest to continue growing. You can follow the instructions below to harvest half a weed plant.

First, the resin glands of the cannabis buds are examined using a magnifying glass or microscope and harvested when the majority of the resin glands are milky white and some have turned amber. 

Then, make sure to leave the smaller immature weed buds and some leaves behind to allow the plant to continue growing. Use sharp, sterilized scissors when cutting to avoid damaging the cannabis.

After harvesting, trim the harvested cannabis buds and hang them upside down in a dark, well-ventilated area to dry. Once dry, seal them in a container for curing and open the container daily to release moisture. 

For the remaining weeds, continue to provide appropriate light and nutrients and monitor their growth to promote further bud development. In this way, it is possible to ensure that all buds are harvested at the optimum time, increasing cannabis yield and potency.


After learning about the value and yield of a marijuana plant, you may be interested in and have read all of our growing tips in this article. Keep in mind that light always matters. By reading this article on maximizing the value of growing marijuana indoors, I hope you have gained insights into growing indoor marijuana and, one day, successfully growing high-quality, high-yielding cannabis to maximize profits.

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FAQ about How Much Can Weed Make

1. How Much Money Can You Make off 12 Plants?

Assuming an average yield of 1 pound per plant, the total yield from 12 plants would be about 5,443 grams. In the marketplace, marijuana may cost anywhere from $5 to $20 per gram. Therefore, the total revenue from 12 plants could range from $27,215 to $108,862. These estimates are based on ideal growing conditions and market conditions.

2. How Long Does Weed Take to Grow?

Generally, the germination stage takes 3 to 10 days, followed by the seedling stage of 2 to 3 weeks. Next comes the nutrient growth stage, which lasts 3 to 16 weeks. During this phase, the plant grows mainly leaves, stems and roots. Then comes the flowering stage, which usually lasts 8 to 11 weeks, when the plant begins to grow and mature flower buds.

The entire process takes about three to seven months from seed to harvest. The drying and curing process after harvest takes an additional 2 to 4 weeks. Indoor growers can control the environment such as light to speed up the growth cycle, while outdoor growing relies on the natural seasons and can take longer.

3. How Much CBD Oil Can One Plant Produce?

The amount of CBD oil extracted from a cannabis plant depends on many factors, including the variety of the plant, cannabis yield, and extraction efficiency. Generally, a single cannabis plant can produce about 1 to 2 pounds (454 to 907 grams) of dried cannabis flowers. Cannabis flowers typically contain 10 to 20 percent CBD.

During the extraction process, about 10 to 20 percent of the CBD can be extracted as CBD oil. Thus, from a single cannabis plant, you can end up with about 6.8 to 13.6 grams (0.24 to 0.48 ounces) of CBD oil. These figures are general estimates and actual yields may vary depending on extraction methods.

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